Le risposte alle richieste del controllo Web ADF possono essere processate tramite l'evento requestProcessed lato client.
Si può rendere disponibile questa funzionalità semplicente aggiungendo un PostbackManager alla pagina.
Per i dettagli vedere qui.
Nel MapResourceManager definiamo un layer di tipo GraphicLayer nominandolo 'Client Rendered Graphics' ed uno di tipo ArcGIS Server Internet da http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/services ( Specialty/ESRI_StatesCitiesRivers_USA ). Al di sotto di una certa scala (nell'esempio a 7.000.000) visualizziamo le città con delle icone in funzione della popolazione del 1990 (>32000 abitanti icone blu altrimenti magenta) con un mapTip formattato lato client e dove è possibile, ad esempio, gestire in base a determinate condizioni.
Lato server:
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
private bool _hasNonPooledResources = false;
#region Page Methods
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
if (Map1.MapResourceManager == null || Map1.MapResourceManager.Length == 0)
callErrorPage("No Map Resource Manager defined for the Map.", null);
if (MapResourceManager1.ResourceItems.Count == 0)
callErrorPage("The Map Resource Manager does not have a valid Resouce Item.", null);
if (Map1.PrimaryMapResourceInstance == null)
callErrorPage("The Map does not have a valid Primary Map Resource.", null);
// Check for locale decimal delimiter and pass to client side
string delimiterScript = "var webMapAppDecimalDelimiter = '" + GetDecimalSeparatorFromLocale() + "';";
if (!Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("decimalDelimiterScript"))
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "decimalDelimiterScript", delimiterScript, true);
PostbackManager1.RequestReceived += new RequestReceivedEventHandler(PostbackManager1_RequestReceived);
void PostbackManager1_RequestReceived(object sender, AdfRequestEventArgs args)
// Make sure request was issued by PostbackManager
if (args.CallingControl.ClientID == "PostbackManager1")
NameValueCollection requestArgs =
if (requestArgs["EventArg"] == "Type") // Request for client-rendered county graphic (i.e. map tip)
IMapFunctionality mapFunctionality = Map1.GetFunctionality("Test");
IMapFunctionality mapFunctionality1 = Map1.GetFunctionality("Client Rendered Graphics");
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DataSources.Graphics.MapResource mapResource =
mapFunctionality1.Resource as ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.DataSources.Graphics.MapResource;
if (Map1.Scale > 7000000.0)
Map1.RefreshResource("Client Rendered Graphics");
// Create functionality to query Operational resource
IGISResource gisResource = mapFunctionality.Resource;
IQueryFunctionality queryFunctionality =
gisResource.CreateFunctionality(typeof(IQueryFunctionality), null) as
NumberFormatInfo nfi = new CultureInfo("en-US").NumberFormat;
double x1 = double.Parse(requestArgs["XMIN"],nfi);
double y1 = double.Parse(requestArgs["YMIN"],nfi);
double x2 = double.Parse(requestArgs["XMAX"], nfi);
double y2 = double.Parse(requestArgs["YMAX"], nfi);
// Create spatial query filter
ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.SpatialFilter spatialFilter =
new ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.SpatialFilter();
spatialFilter.SubFields = new ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.StringCollection(
new string[] { "FID", "CITY_FIPS", "CITY_NAME", "POP1990" });
spatialFilter.ReturnADFGeometries = true;
spatialFilter.Geometry = new ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.Geometry.Envelope(x1,y1,x2,y2);
// Execute query against counties layer
DataTable resultsDataTable =
queryFunctionality.Query(mapFunctionality.Name, "0", spatialFilter);
// Create graphics and apply Operational resource's layer definitions
GraphicsLayer resultsGraphicsLayer =
System.Drawing.Color.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.Empty,
System.Drawing.Color.Empty, true);
resultsGraphicsLayer.TableName = "find_Cities";
// Render on client to enable highlighting and MapTips
resultsGraphicsLayer.RenderOnClient = true;
// Add tipo to Graphics resource
if (mapResource.Graphics.Tables.Contains("find_Cities"))
// Refresh the graphics and pass the results to the PostbackManager
Map1.RefreshResource("Client Rendered Graphics");
// Use the CustomResults property to pass the client ID of the graphics layer back to the
// client. This property is used in the processResults function.
if (resultsGraphicsLayer.Rows.Count > 0)
PostbackManager1.CustomResults = Map1.GetGraphicsLayerClientID(resultsGraphicsLayer);
Lato client:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
// Get map and wire MapTips events
var map = $find('Map1');
// Specify handler for requestProcessed
function MapChanged(sender, eventArgs){
var requestArgs = 'EventArg=Type&XMIN={0}&YMIN={1}&XMAX={2}&YMAX={3}';
var envelope = eventArgs.current;
requestArgs = String.format(requestArgs, envelope.get_xmin(),envelope.get_ymin(),envelope.get_xmax(),envelope.get_ymax());
// Handle results to show map tip and disable subsequent requests
function processResults(sender, eventArgs) {
if (eventArgs.customResults) {
if (eventArgs.customResults == "Clear") {
var graphicFeatureGroup = $find(eventArgs.customResults);
var defaultSymbol11 = new ESRI.ADF.Graphics.MarkerSymbol('images/pin-blue-20x20.png', 10, 10, 'default');
var defaultSymbol12 = new ESRI.ADF.Graphics.MarkerSymbol('images/pin-blue-28x28.png', 14, 14, 'default');
var defaultSymbol21 = new ESRI.ADF.Graphics.MarkerSymbol('images/pin-magenta-20x20.png', 10, 10, 'default');
var defaultSymbol22 = new ESRI.ADF.Graphics.MarkerSymbol('images/pin-magenta-28x28.png', 14, 14, 'default');
for (var i=0;i<graphicFeatureGroup.getFeatureCount();i++)
var graphicFeature = graphicFeatureGroup.get(i);
if (graphicFeature.get_attributes().POP1990 > 32000.0)
var layout = {
'template': null,
'templateUrl': 'Template.htm',
'arrowUrl': 'images/square-red-32x32.png',
'arrowBounds': [
// startX,startY,width,height,offsetX,offsetY,bufferX,bufferY
[954, 921, 16, 16, -1, -7, 5, -7], // NW - Upper Left
[939, 921, 16, 16, -15, -7, 5, -7], // NE - Upper Right
[954, 921, 16, 16, -1, -23, 5, -7], // SW - Lower Left
[939, 921, 16, 16, -15, -23, 5, -7] // SE - Lower Right
var mapTips = graphicFeatureGroup.get_mapTips();
//mapTips.set_width(100); //set larghezza
// Initialize a string containing the format for the MapTips title. The appearance can be
// specified using HTML and CSS. Field names surrounded with curly braces and preceded with
// an @ are substituted at run-time with the corresponding field value of the feature on which
// a MapTip is currently shown. In this example, the AREANAME field is shown.
var titleTemplate = "<font style='font-family:MS Sans Serif; color:blue; font-size:14pt;'>{@FID}</font>";
// Initialize a string containing the format for the MapTips contents.
var contentTemplate = "<table cellpadding='3px'>
" +
"<td style='border-bottom:1px solid gray; border-right:1px solid gray; font-weight:bold;'>
" +
</td>" +
"<td style='border-bottom:1px solid gray; border-right:1px solid gray; font-style:italic; " +
</tr>" +
<td style='border-bottom:1px solid gray; border-right:1px solid gray; font-weight:bold;'>
" +
</td>" +
"<td style='border-bottom:1px solid gray; border-right:1px solid gray; font-style:italic;" +
// Apply the title and content formats

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